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September 4, 2023

Our New Vegetable and Therapy Garden

We’re delighted to introduce our new vegetable and therapy garden in the Hospice grounds.

This project has transformed an area of the gardens to expand our kitchen garden and create a new therapeutic area for patients and visitors to enjoy. It incorporates a vegetable patch, fruit tree orchard and raised planting beds, and was designed by garden volunteer, Sarra.

Sarra started volunteering for the Hospice two years ago, generously giving her time in our gardens in Moortown. She later began studying Garden Design Level 1 at Shipley College and for her course project she needed to design a real garden. As luck would have it, this area of the Hospice gardens was in need of redevelopment.

As part of her studies, Sarra worked closely with Garden Team Leader to collaborate and develop a plan for the area. The guiding vision for the vegetable and therapy garden was “A place to provide therapy, create sustainability and leave a lasting legacy.” According to Sarra’s course tutor, this is exactly how garden design should be – working together to create a vision and a living plan which can be adapted during the build.

The garden in progress

A real team effort was required to clear the area; fellow volunteer John did some of the real heavy lifting and commented “who needs a gym?!”. The garden team of staff and volunteers and the Hospice maintenance team worked tirelessly to bring the plan to life. We’re also incredibly grateful to Shanco, who kindly supplied materials and additional labour.

As part of the plan was to create a therapeutic garden for patients, these areas needed to be able to accommodate wheelchairs and beds. Planting areas also needed to be at a height where patients can be seated and tend to the beds. This has been realised in the finished design, with a large ‘U’-shaped vegetable patch.

The completed vegetable and therapy garden

We can’t wait to see how the area matures and to see our patients enjoying the therapeutic benefits of gardening. The first produce from the new vegetable patch has already been harvested and delivered to Melvin’s Bistro, ready to be cooked up for our patients and visitors.