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December 5, 2023

The Year in Numbers 2022/2023

St Gemma’s is for people who have life threatening illnesses with difficult symptoms. Care is based on a simple idea – that the person is more than the illness. Each of us – sick or well – has unique physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. St Gemma’s tries to respond to these needs in ways which place the highest value on respect, choice and empowerment.

Care is offered to patients and their carers in the Hospice’s In-Patient Unit, through the St Gemma’s community team supporting patients and families at home and in care homes, and via a range of Out-Patient clinics.

We work closely with other care providers in the city to ensure a seamless service for people across Leeds.

The services provided by St Gemma’s Hospice are completely free of charge to patients, families and carers, but are not free to provide.

The majority of the Hospice’s annual running costs must be raised from donations and fundraising initiatives. We simply would not be able to continue caring for people with life threatening illnesses without the valuable and on-going support of the community. We are extremely grateful to all those who make donations, take part in fundraising events, leave a gift in their Will or help the Hospice in any way to continue its caring work.

Here is just a brief overview of some of our work this year. We couldn’t list everything but thank you to everyone who has contributed in any way.

Always caring

  • We cared for 492 patients in the Hospice In-Patient Unit. We were open for admissions 24 hours a day and most patients (81%) we admitted for care within one day of referral
  • Our team of specialist community nurses and doctors made 19,842 contacts with patients
  • 1,365 local people were referred to St Gemma’s care for the first time
  • We trained 1,054 professionals and had 128 student placements, supporting them to deliver the best possible care in the future

Your support

  • 663,195 customers visited our chain of shops and bought 1,372,003 items, helping to raise over £1 million towards patient care
  • Almost 800 volunteers contributed tens of thousands of hours across key areas including bereavement support, gardening and therapies
  • You helped to raise £15 million so we could continue providing vital services and investing in raising money for the next year

What you said

  • 100% of bereaved families felt that their relative died in the right place

For the full Annual Review 2022/2023 and for further information on St Gemma’s care and other activities, visit