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December 20, 2024

The Year in Numbers 2023/24

This is a snapshot of some of the work St Gemma’s carried out last year. We couldn’t list everything but thank you to everyone who has contributed in any way.

Our team of specialist community nurses and doctors made contacts with 18,742 patients

We supported adults and children through bereavement, making 2,974 contacts in the year

100% of bereaved families were satisfied with the care and dignity their loved one received

We trained 1,013 professionals and had 174 student placements, supporting them to deliver the best possible care in the future

1,382 local people were referred to St Gemma’s care for the first time

We cared for 503 patients in the Hospice In-Patient Unit. We were open for admission 24 hours a day and most patients were admitted for care within one day of referral.

We ranked 23rd in the Inclusive Top 50 Employers List, officially recognising our continued commitment to workplace diversity, equality and inclusion.

697,463 customers visited our chain of shops and bought 1,432,327 items, helping to raise over £1 million towards patient care

You helped to raise £14 million so we could continue providing vital services and investing in raising money for the next year

Almost 800 volunteers contributed tens of thousands of hours across key areas including bereavement support, gardening and therapies