If you or a loved one is living with a life-limiting or terminal illness, St Gemma’s Hospice may be able to support you st any stage of that illness.
Referral information for patients, families and carers
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, including both malignant disease and non-malignant diseases for example, cancer, heart disease, lung disease and neurological diseases, you may be eligible for hospice services.
Hospice services include Day Services, Out-Patients, St Gemma’s community team and In-Patient care.

New referrals
If you are a patient or carer and think you may benefit from one of our services, firstly please talk to your GP, district nurse, specialist nurse, consultant or any other healthcare professional involved in your care about your options. They can then refer you to our services.
Referral from a doctor or nurse is required as it gives us information regarding diagnosis, treatments, medications and so on, which is helpful in addition to the information patients and families give Hospice staff.
If, having spoken to your healthcare professional, you need more information or advice, please contact us on the numbers below.

If you have accessed our services in the past and discharged, it is possible to access them again via a re-referral.
A re-referral can be submitted by a healthcare professional or directly from patients or family members with the patient’s permission.
Referral information for healthcare professionals
If you are a GP or healthcare professional, please find out how you can start a referral to St Gemma’s services for someone in your care.
For referral advice
Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm please call 0113 218 5540.
At other times please call our 24-hour advice line on 0113 218 5511.