
Looking to the Future

St Gemma’s exists because of the incredible support and generosity of our community, with almost 900 volunteers giving 125,000 hours of support, and local people providing around three quarters of our funds each year.

We have created a strategy for the next 10 years to reflect the needs of the local community and are excited to share with you an overview of St Gemma’s plans for the future.

Looking to the Future Donation
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How we communicate with you

As a valued supporter we really want to keep you posted about news and events across St Gemma’s and to share how your support benefits local patients and their families. We will contact you for administrative purposes regarding this interaction. We will usually send you information by post; if you would also like to receive email updates please let us know. If you wish to change how we send you information or choose not to hear from us at all, there are a variety of ways you can do this. Ring us on 0113 218 5555, email supportercare@st-gemma.co.uk or update your preferences online at www.st-gemma.co.uk/mydata. For further information on how we use and store your details please visit www.st-gemma.co.uk/privacy. We will never sell your personal information.

In this video, Christian and Daxa share their stories:

Our vision for the future has three pillars: impact, connect and extend.


Jean Gallagher is one of the patients who has taken part in research at St Gemma’s. We improve care through research, education and translating evidence into clinical practice.

We plan to build on our successful research programme in partnership with the University of Leeds, through further research studies and continuing to share our expertise with others, such as GPs, to improve care and support for people wherever they receive it.



Ernie was discharged home after a stay at the Hospice’s In-Patient Unit thanks to a coordinated effort between the Hospice and other local healthcare providers.

We recognise the critical importance of working with others in the city to improve care. The Leeds Palliative Care Network is hosted by St Gemma’s Hospice and brings together organisations with experience of, and responsibility for, palliative and end of life care.

The Network has already enhanced care, for example by improving the way patients move from hospital to hospice or to home. Looking to the future, we will continue to build more seamless services with citizens and with other providers and commissioners of care, with a key part of this vision centred on care for people at home.


The St Gemma’s Community Engagement Steering Group is a group of volunteers from BAME backgrounds who help the Hospice to develop services that are sensitive to the needs of the local community.

We know that we face significant challenges as we look to the future. Population changes are already increasing the number of people who need our care, and this demand is set to rise further. Not everyone who would benefit from our care receives it and there are inequalities in access to service.

We aim to transform and strengthen our clinical services to meet the needs of more people, by reviewing, developing and enhancing our services, workforce, facilities and buildings. By being adaptable and flexible, we can respond to patient and family need.

text: We can't create this vision for the future without your support

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St Gemma's Hospice