
Help patients and families create special memories

At St Gemma’s, we help families spend valuable time together during the sunset of our patients’ lives. We give them the chance to create special memories, knowing their loved one is receiving the best care possible.

“St Gemma’s helped us get everything into place for Terry’s care. It was as if a weight was lifted from him and we were able to make the most of the remaining time we had together as a family.”

Donate to our Sunset Appeal today and help patients and families make the most of the time they have left together.

Sunset Stories

Our Sunset Appeal celebrates the precious memories we all make and treasure. Throughout June, our Sunset Stories Memory Wall will be on display at the Hospice, and online, to fill with lovely memories and photos of your loved ones. We hope you will get involved and share your favourite memory or photo.

As we celebrate these truly special moments, your donation will make an enormous difference to the families we care for and help them to create more memories which will be cherished for years to come.

“I have so many special memories of Terry and his love of running. I will treasure these memories of Terry forever.”

Donate today and help patients and families create special memories.

Share your memory

Share your favourite memory with us today in celebration of your loved one.

You can share a photograph and story here on our website. With our online memory wall you have lots of space to write about your memories, and there’s no need to choose a favourite.


If you received a sunset postcard in the post, simply return this complete with your memory or photo to: St Gemma’s Hospice, 329 Harrogate Road, Moortown, LS17 6QD.

If you haven’t received a postcard but would like one sent out to you, please email individual.giving@st-gemma.co.uk.

“Terry and I had complimentary therapy sessions with Judith. These were so relaxing and brought some calmness to our overactive minds. We had this both at the Hospice and at home.”

Thank you for your support